Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Well were moving

and Josh doesn't know it yet.

I went and got keys to several houses today and went and looked and picked the one I liked the best (Natalie it had some Gecko poop in it though so that will have to be taken care of BEFORE I move in) and went back to housing and signed Josh's name to the paperwork.

Lucky him. At this rate by the time he gets home I may even have a move date scheduled. Which would be exactly how he would like it.

Meanwhile nothing else in my life is getting done.

Except dishes, they get done everyday no matter what.

Laundry however is another story....


Natalie said...

Geez, all my geckos seem to be housebroken. I'll have them email your geckos and give them the heads up on proper behaviour for a houseguest.

Better geckos than mosquitoes, that's for sure! Congratulations on the move to be!

dorothy said...

So what's my excuse for not doing laundry?