Saturday, November 29, 2008

It's begining...

to look a lot like Christmas.

Oh wait it's not.

Not at all, not even a little bit!


We had a good Thanksgiving. We got together for a potluck with several neighbors and I think a good time was had by all. I brought stuffing and baked homemade pecan pies. YUM!! Plus they were super easy! Only bad thing about pot luck is no leftovers! Oh well there will be some at Christmas.

Today we are going to bake sugar cookies. Grace and I made the dough while Josh and Brianna were out and about and now it's chilling in the fridge. When Grace gets home from Judo and Brianna gets up from her nap we will roll them out and set the girls loose with the cookie cutters. I'll be sure to post pictures after the girls decorate them!

After the cookies we are going to put up the tree. They are VERY excited about it. I was thinking one good thing about have kids who are getting older is I don't worry about how to block off the tree anymore. Nice!

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