Sunday, September 7, 2008


From Josh...

So, maybe we should have waited to transfer for a month or two. I haven't completed checking into the command yet and already I'm involved in an excercise that happens ever couple of years.

Anyway, in preparation for all this, my shop is tasked with setting up tents this weekend. I guess I'm not quite acclimated yet as I was sent home early yesterday due to dehydration. If I had stayed much longer, I might have suffered from heat exhaustion, which is not good. We'll be doing this working hard in the heat thing for a while, so I think this is my baptism by fire.

I have been assured that this will all be done by October and things will slow down to a crawl and we can actually travel the island and see the sights. Then it will be time for me to travel elsewhere for equipment turnovers and a school. All will be short and spread out. Wish me luck for today!

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